Thursday, June 19, 2008

Kadie Jay

Kadie is my daughter, who is currently trying to figure out how to make it in this world. I would have to say she is doing a really good job at it. She doesn't live far from me but we tend to go in phases of seeing each other. Kadie is now training for a new job and I think she will be really good at what she is going to do. She will be working with people face to face and she is good at conversation. Keep it up Kadie you are doing a great job! The photo below is of her and I on her birthday we went to have our hair done together and then lunch, that was a great day. Christmas 2007 at our house.


ashtekk said...

hi baby jo,

My goodness, you sure have been a busy blogger lately. KD really is doing well, it sounds like she really likes her new job... that's way cool for her!

Amanda said...

You guys look so pretty! Kadie's such a sweetheart.