Friday, December 14, 2012

The search for the not so perfect Christmas Tree!

Each Christmas Season Glenn and I look forward to heading up in the mountains to get our Christmas Tree. For the past few years we have taken Lucy, our oldest grand daughter with us. Lucy has been given the privilege; to pick out and bring home her families tree also.  It's fun to watch her walk through the snow (if there is any) or up the hill trying to find just the right tree. This year she was smart and brought her own tape measure so she was sure to get a 6 - 7 foot tree.

Is this tree the right height Grandma?

We feel very fortunate to live in a area where the mountains are almost in our backyard. Throughout the year this area is our main source of "fun".  Not only do we get our Christmas Tree from the mountains we also enjoy camping, hiking and snow shoeing along with other fun activities :)...

Grandpa wait for me!
If you were to look at our tree, you might smile and think well there is a not so perfect tree, but to us it is exactly what we were looking for. I hope we will be able to keep doing this well into the future with the rest of our grand kids, but I am not so sure all the kids parents will want that oh so, "not so perfect Christmas Tree" for their homes. That's ok we did raise our kids to be "self-thinkers" (that is a whole other post),  so be it, Lol. 

Make sure and tie them on good, we don't want to have one fall off

Our Perfect Not So Perfect Christmas Tree.
No matter what kind of tree you choose for your home, I am sure it's is as beautiful as our Christmas Tree we brought home from the mountains..Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!