The emotions that go through your head when you realize your daughter is turning "21". 1st of all it makes you feel older then you should as "the parent", then friends of the family who have watched your kids grow up tell you something like "no she is not turning "21" Kadie is still "12" don't mess with me like that", thank you, Michael for your continuous support on getting older.
Kadie doesn't actually turn "21" until this Friday, but we celebrated yesterday. We started out by going to town, shopping for that perfect outfit. Boy did we find the best buys and I was glad to see most of the stores we went into were quite busy, yeah for the shoppers. I am in retail you know:) We also had to pick up some ingredients for Kadie's birthday dinner. At Kadie's request the menu was:
Shrimp/Beef Kabobs
Apple Crisp
Vanilla Ice Cream
Sparkling apple cider
I made the California rolls but I wanted to pick up some shrimp nigiri (I think that's what you call them). When we got to Rays Market, I didn't see any after standing there the sushi maker, Morris came up to us I asked him about the nigiri he told us they were sold out and he had no more shrimp. I must of looked disappointed he them said I can get some frozen shrimp from the market and make you up some, my response was great. 2 hours later when we returned, I was pleased I was given double batch of nigiri, and another type of appetizer to try with Morris's special mustard and soy sauce mixture. Morris was very accommodating and wanted me to leave happy. He then explained "anytime you have special needs call me and I will have it ready for you by the time you get off work". Well 1st of all, WOW and 2ND he recognized that at times I do have special needs, WOW!
If you are ever in Bend make sure you visit Morris at Southern Tsunami Sushi in the Newport Market. He will do everything he can to make you happy, even when you don't expect it.
Back to Kadie's birthday, I sure enjoyed spending time with her, dinner was wonderful here is the photos to prove it.
Birthday Table!
Dustin's plate of sushi.
Looks at all those Kabobs!
She isn't going to like this picture, oh well....
Kadie and Lucy opening presents.
Happy Birthday to you Kadie, I Love You, Mom
As a side note; I have been told before from "my loved ones" that I have "special needs" but I really didn't think so. But when a stranger tells you "when you have special needs, call me" I guess you need to wonder, am I really that needy? I guess I will think about that for awhile, well maybe for the day:) B.A.