What a wonderful day to be off the sun is shining, still cold outside but the brightness is long over due. To catch you up on my kitchen project; I went into Sherman Williams they are so funny there, when I walk in it sort of reminds me of "cheers" they sure have fun greeting me. I think they like to see women come in because all I ever see is paint contractors and we all know what they look like. (if your a paint contractor don't take it personally) I had to get the pre-wood conditioner to see if that helps with the uneven-ness in the staining process of the wood. I am almost to the point where I will be staining cupboards that are eye level I think that will be the true test. But really it doesn't matter because there is no turning back at this point.
The cupboard on the far right looking at the photo is before and the cupboards to the left are after.
On a totally other subject, I watched the dvd Julie and Julia, WOW! lets say I watched it 3 times in 2 days what a great movie. Ever since I was a little girl Julia Childs annoyed me when I would watch her on TV. Well come to find out I just didn't "get her"! I now have a new found respect for her and I am sorry I judged her so quickly but again I was pretty little at the time. Virginia a very nice lady I work with let me borrow the 2 cook books that they were writing in the movie. I think it will be fun to sit down and look through them. From what I understand they are hard to follow one because they are a cookbook for cooking "French" and two they use different ingredients then we use today.
What great cook books, can't wait to read them.
Yesterday I took a big leap and had my hair cut to my shoulders, I think it looks "sassy", my husband thinks I look "cute". I am OK with that. My hair has been long for some time and when you have long hair it just gets to the point that you have to cut it off and start over so that is that.
As you can see in the back ground cupboards and drawers drying, me with new hair cut and no make-up, it is my day off!
Tonight Glenn and I are going to sit down and order our garden seeds from the Burpee Catalog, that will be fun and also a challenge we have to pick short growing time seeds, under 58 days ( I think) and that can be hard to do. But this year we want to shake things up a bit around our yard so I look forward blogging about it.
Valentines Day! What a great day, it isn't like a birthday or a holiday where you cook all day. It is just a loving day and I like that. Glenn was very good to me; I got a Aero Garden and a beautiful dinner out and a bunch of cards that were mailed to me from his work. I think there was only 2 days I didn't get a card in the mail that was a lot of fun and I miss them but I know someday I will receive a card in the mail again from the one I love! I made one of Glenn's presents; he wears printed shirts to work and he has a way of pulling off really any print, I think he likes to wear different prints because it can be an easy conversation piece. Boy when he wears this one he will have a lot of explaining to do about the print but it was fun to make and if he likes it I am sure the future will bring more his way.