Saturday, January 22, 2011

Quilting/log cabin pattern - My first time!

January through May can be a little frustrating if you live in Central Oregon and you are a gardener or you like to be outside but not really found of the winter sports. Well that would be me! Don't get me wrong I love the snow but I don't really partake in skiing or snowboarding. I will occasionally snow shoe but that is really it. So my point here is what do I do with myself after the holidays when everything has really slowed down? This time I have decided to learn how to quilt beginners style.

With Glenn gone camping for a few days (crazy), I put my thoughts together and decided to test my skills at this wonderful art. What inspired me to do so was this article in the Martha Stewart Magazine Jan 2011 issue.

I really don't have a clue as to what I am doing nor what I will do with the squares when I complete them but I have to say it is really quite fun and boy do you use a part of your brain you don't use a lot, at least it felt like it.

Thanks to Leslie who owns a small fabric store in Redmond I was able to get started. I started going to her store because of the quality and variety of her fabrics, when I talk about her fabric I tell people it is "top shelf":).  I love her assortment, having made Glenn shirts, robes, pjs. they have all worn well. And yes he does wear everything I make for him. He is so good to me, I miss him when he goes camping! Anyways....

If you like to sew or like color/patterns and your in Redmond stop in to see Leslie she is a great lady and will help you with what ever you need when it comes to sewing.  Every Saturday is her SALE day that is a great day to go in.

So enough said here is my 1st quilting square I have ever made.

My very 1st log cabin block! I can't wait to see what I can do from here:).

Until next time, have a great day!

Thanks for reading my blog, Betty

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