Do you have the same problems I have when the season changes and you have to deal with your closet that looks like the "black hole"? This is the time of year that my Husband looses more of his closet, if I was to take more space this year he would end up in the coat closet in the living room probably not really that fair for him is it.?. So I knew I had to do something different, I looked in each closet in our house trying to see the light; 1st our 2 full size closets busting at the seams you might say, nope nothing there, then I went entered Monica's room but I stopped dead in my tracks I guess I will put it we have an understanding she keeps her door closed and I don't "grip" about the condition of her room. I do know that her closet is empty most of the time, the clothes seem to stay on the floor or on her bed but that is another story all together that I will skip... Teenagers?? Then I went to the spare room now that closet has become Glenn's "cubby" I won't say anymore about that because "I am a good Wife"!
So the next idea was to look under the beds, no! all full of very important stuff, in plastic under the bed boxes. If you were to ask me what is under there I would have to say honestly I have no idea but it is organized :)
Glenn has this steamer trunk that I have moved to different areas of the house, it is locked and has been opened once by Glenn since he has had it. He acquired it sometime out of high school. When I questioned Glenn where it came from I got the response of "well lets see it was Grandma Edna Mae, no no it was Grandpa Pete's but Edna Mae gave it to me, No that's not right either Grandma Violet yes it was at Grandma Violet's house and she gave it to me. So as you can see Glenn really doesn't remember but we are going with Grandma Violet so if anybody knows different please let us know. Sorry Glenn but really you don't remember do you?
So one night at just the right moment I asked Glenn if he could open the trunk so I could look in it. Then I told him about the seasonal closet issue he tried to understand and he tried to give me the look of concern but really he only understood I was frustrated about something to do with my clothes so he opened it. All I can say is WOW! I am not a good enough writer to explain the feeling, the smell, nor the excitement I had. The inside is amazing it has a box you lift out where "they" put jewelry, hats or purses but really who knows. The boxed is lined with a thin shelf paper or maybe wall paper that is blue checked. The smell was musty, salty sort of smell. BUT CLEAN!!
After I asked if I could use the trunk as long as he was able to keep it as his nightstand I had to figure out how without the items smelling like a very old steamer trunk. At Costco I found "space saving bags". You fill them full then you use your vacuum to take out all the air, this process keeps them air tight until you open the zip lock, and they are reusable. That's it, I know this will work! I was able to put all my summer stuff in this trunk plus some summer purses. I was so happy and yes Glenn got back his full closet, when I opened it today he is still using only one half like he has done for years. Change can be so difficult for him, but I know he can do it. Just move your pants to the other side Honey it will be OK, I promise:):) But you better hurry before I use the space!
Now take a look at the amazing trunk we have moved around our house completely empty and locked for all these years.
1 comment:
Thank you for posting that, I forgot about it the other day! I need to look in there sometime for myself still, though. That trunk has been bugging me since I was a kid.
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