Monday, September 14, 2009

Betty's summer Sun Flowers!

OK here it is the yearly "sun flower" post, I have been planting these flowers for 5 years now and every year I am amazed at their presence, beauty, and demand for attention from all things surrounding them. Or should I say; in all things they surround. The photo on left is looking across the canal into our back yard. I am a little jealous of the view the neighbors get across the canal, so I have been known to take a short hike and go stand on the edge of their back yards to enjoy the view of my sun flowers. As I did here!

These 3 photos are from the wild flower mix that we broad casted in the flower garden. It is fun to watch the multiple heads on one stem and the way the move in the sky.

This is the owl I have in the corn rows to scare the birds away and also for June to bark at when it moves in the wind.
Mr. Owl is pictured here leading a choir of sunflowers in the morning symphony of "the dancing flowers".

This is the biggest composite I have this year it measures 1 foot in diameter. Needles to say it is almost hanging to the ground it is so heavy.

When you read about sunflowers it states that they only follow the sun during the time they are buds and when the flower opens up it faces east to protect itself from all weather elements like sun, rain, frost, wind. Interesting!

Sun Buddies!
We leave the flowers standing all winter for the birds to eat on, come spring when we pull them up you can look on the ground at the foot of their roots and see many empty sunflower shells laying all over the ground. I say to myself in another month or two I will be starting over again with a whole new patch of Sunflowers, yippee!

This is the tallest sunflower this year, I haven't measured it but it is above the roof line of the house, impressive!
Being able to enjoy all types of sunflowers I have in my yard is thanks to; the American Indians who domesticated various varieties of the sunflower.
Smile you never know when a sunflower is watching you!

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