Wow, even though I worked all weekend, What a great time I had! Glenn surprised me each night with a great dinner I would wake up to a good breakfast before going to work, it really doesn't get any better then that. Watching movies and enjoying each others company is really a good thing.
We worked out 2010 vacation schedules, or 2010 goals or should I say long term goals. We both talked about how we can't wait for the summer and how much we enjoy that time of year. Living in Central Oregon I use to say we were able to experience all 4 seasons but really I think only 3 seasons. Summer then Fall and then Winter and again Winter. Spring really doesn't show it's face around this area. But that is my opinion.
Thanks Glenn and I am glad you were able to accomplish some things that needed to get done on your "list" that were bothering you. You see Glenn is the very proud owner of not just one but 2 MG's (cars), and if you know anything about MG's they are a blast to ride in, and even more fun to drive but the up keep can overwhelm you if you let it. So good job in all you did this past weekend!
I think a road trip is in order soon, expecially now that the heater is working again... how about a late February trip to Eastern Oregon!
We watch to see what the snow does. We could also take a day trip out to see the home's that are "off the gride" style of living:)
you guys are really cute :)
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