early morning, after eating all 3 clumps of red tulips right at my front door. approx. 150 bulbs.
Tulips before the deers breakfast, total of 3 bunch's beautiful one minute gone the next. Photo taken the night before.
Cota Bunnies try to watch over flowers but the deer win!
Trying to get along with deer on a daily basis is tiring. I know they will be back for more. I couldn't take the after photo's of the tulips, I was so in shock that they were gone. Are there really any flowers out there that deer don't like to eat?
Hi Baby,
I know it is frustrating to have the deer eat your tulips... but can you only imagine what a delicious treat it would be to taste the flowers of a red tulip.
Hi Betty,
I really like your blog! I love tulips, too and I don't know anything about deer, because of where we live.
I do get really mad when the dogs pee all over our flowers, though, sometimes the force of it will knock them over!
Anyways....I always have loved your yard, it is so beautiful and relaxing.
I really enjoyed reading about your camping trip. I miss camping with Casey, we are always so happy when we do and we don't go to campgrounds either
I'm sorry, that must be frustrating! Here's some deer resistant bulbs and plants: http://www.dutchgardens.com/Deer-Resistant%20Bulbs%20and%20Plants/5335,default,pg.html
It says at the bottom, "Tulips are deer candy." Stupid deer.
Thanks for the concerns, Glenn you are right tulips are like Deer candy, see Amanda's note. Holly the dog story makes me laugh. Amanda great website, I made a note of the bulbs to buy in the fall. Hey everybody thanks for the comments.
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