Thursday, September 11, 2008

Afternoon with Lucy

Did I pick enough Grandma? Yesterday Lucy spent the afternoon with me, boy did we have some fun. We went out into the garden and picked tomatoes, played in the sunflowers, we sat on the bench that enters the garden area and read a book, Dr. Seuss's Hop on Pop it says it's the "simplest Seuss for youngest use" well it isn't that easy to read out loud, but Lucy didn't know the difference, I guess.
Who ate the yellow petals off this flower anyways?
After dinner we went for a walk across the canal to take some photos of my sunflower patch, they really are prettier in the neighbors yard, I hope they are enjoying them!!

Can you see the duck at the bottom of the photo?

This is a good photo of 1/2 of our home and to the right is the sunflower patch I talk about that came up this year volunteer. We are standing across the canal at our neighbors backyard fence.

Grandpa, Lucy and I always sit in the front yard and watch the birds, cars and airplanes before dark. I went in the house to get Lucy a cracker and when I came back she was in my chair drinking her juice next to Grandpa who was enjoying his "juice" also. I had to get a picture of it how cute!

Then Lucy's Parents came back from their dinner out and took Lucy home. Grandpa and I then called it an evening and went to bed, isn't being Grandparents WONDERFUL!!!


Lisa said...

Lucy is adorable!!! ...and I'm sure your neighbors are loving the sunflowers, they're gorgeous too.

bunbun said...

wow, I have never seen the property from that angle before! It is very pretty, and so are the sunflowers.
Lucy is such a dolly, so very sweet and cute. Looks like a great playdate!

Amanda said...

I love my little miss. What can I say, she's adorable! :) I'm tagging you for a "6 quirky things" post (if you want to do it), you can see details on my blog. :)

Amanda said...

Hi Betty, I'm not really sure what you do if you don't have 6 bloggers to tag... maybe write the post anyways and just tag a couple?

Amanda said...

Oh, by the way - after we came home last night Lucy picked one of my big, ripe tomatoes when I had my back turned and ate the whole thing! It was pretty funny. We couldn't put her pajamas on or read to her until she was done with her tomato. At that point I think it was 9. :) She ate it like it was candy. At least she's getting her vegetables!