Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Washing Windows 101

Boy did I learn a lesson today, Clean Windows = a bright sunny home!

I have now put on my calender to clean my windows inside and out every 3 months. I can't believe the difference. It makes your whole world "shiny" where before they were cloudy and dirty and it is something that you really don't notice until you take the time to clean your windows.

It was so easy I cleaned 7 windows inside and out between the sun room and living room in under 1 hour. I used a bucket, squeegee, dry clean rag, warm water, 1/4 cup of dish soap and 1/8 cup of baking soda. The baking soda is to keep dirt, rain spots and dogs wet noises from making marks on the window between cleaning. So here is some advice:

Take a moment and really look at your windows not just through them, then you can decide if you need to wash your windows if you do try my recipe I guarantee you will be amazed!

No photos today just some good old housekeeping advice.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

Hmmm...I'll have to try that. I usually just use windex and an old towel but it takes a lot of work!