Friday, January 16, 2009

Juniper Berry's 2009 Blog

I have been beside myself about blogging, unfortunately I have read and also seen on TV how blogging is used for expressing a single purpose or writing and documenting on a topic that you feel passionate about. This made me wonder if I was really the blogging type since my entries are so random. Does any of this make sense to anybody, or just me?

So I finally made up my mind after long and careful debates going on in my head about what I should do. I really couldn't come up with just one topic that I would be able to stick with so I am still going to blog the same way I always have. Coming up with random topics and just documenting my daily life or events. If I ever have a passion about something that I feel I can blog about then believe me, you will be the first to know, Mr. or Ms. Blogger ;)

Boy do I feel better now that I got that off my chest. So now on to what I was thinking about today during this 60 degree day. Can you guess, GARDENING. I have a few ideas I would like to share and if anyone has something they want to add please feel free to do so.

We have an big sturdy old wooden desk that was Micahs study desk in high school we don't need it any more so it is sitting outside under the Juniper Tree until we decide what to do with it.

My thoughts: I want a potting garden table, but I want it to be unique with function for the purpose. I am not very creative or artisy but I want to try with this desk. I would like it to become a part of our backyard during the gardening months. If you have seen website or have any ideas in mind what I can do to turn this desk into an outdoor potting table please let me know. In a future post I will attach a photo of the desk so you can see what I have to work with but until then here is a great photo of our garden in 2008.

Out of control sunflowers, that are all volunteer from 2007, I can't wait to see what I get this year.

just starting to come up, don't mind the weeds..


bunbun said...

I don't think that you should think about it too much Betty, I think that you should write whatever is on your mind.
My favorite blogs are ones about life in general. They are interesting and fun to see how people live. You should be able to freely express yourself!
I like to read cooking blogs, but if they are just standard recipes, I tend to go to websites for that. But when someone writes about food and life, then that is really interesting to me. Just an example.
We like to read your blog because then we can see what is going on in your life, since we are so far away.

Betty said...

Thanks for the comment, I know Casey and I don't talk much anymore because I see your flicker and he reads my blog so at least I feel I know whats going on in your life and I am sure Casey feels the same way. Glenn and Monica just laugh at me everytime there is a photo of Casey on flicker I say "oh everybody come look" and its Casey!:) Mom/Betty

Amanda said...

My blog is totally all over the place too. I like those because they're multifaceted and you feel like you know the person writing it better. Just my .02. :)
I think that desk into a potting bench idea sounds fun. I would put a back on it to make it tall and put a couple shelves on the back and possibly some chicken wire with S hooks to hang tools on. I think that would be cute.