Monday, May 4, 2009

In My Mother's Yard!

My Sister Bonnie and Mom Marie.

When you are growing up you can take allot for granted, like all the work that goes into keeping up a yard. Especially a yard as big as my Mothers, I had the privilege of spending the weekend with her to celebrate her 80Th birthday and her yard was unbelievable. I was told by my Sister that Mom actually mowed her lawn herself because the person that comes out to mow it was a late. Marie's lawn is really quite large and she has never mowed it with a riding mower so bless her heart she used her self propelled mower and mowed that whole lawn and then the next day her yard keeper guy came and mowed it again, she just let him. That's my Mom! I enjoyed walking the whole yard with her and my sister as my Mom carried a twig to point out different things she wanted to talk about. I carried a shovel and my sister had the box, when Mom said this one is a good starter to transplant I dug up a corner put it in the box and by the time we went around the complete yard I had 3 boxes full. Now my job is to keep the starters alive in Central Oregon a very tricky thing to do. But I am going to give it my best shot. What a great afternoon spent in my Mother's yard.

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