Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Fun after work.

About once a week we as Grandparents are blessed with spending the evening with Lucy. At her current age of 2+ years old she is like a sponge and full of comments that are surprising at times. Last week she brought with her a plastic tub full of "teapot" toys . No matter where we were in the house or outside she brought along her tub of "teapot" toys, and of course she served us tea pretty much the whole evening.

Her Grandpa commented that Lucy was just like her Mom at this age, Lucy would not serve you a teacup without the spoon and plate matching in color she would dig in her tub until she found a matching set. I tried to serve her tea with the cup, spoon and plate all not matching and I was corrected with a very point blank response of; "No Grandma like this", CUTE!

I can't wait to see what is going on in Lucy's world the next time she is at the house. Until then "I Love Lucy"!!!
By the way June just watchs Lucy these day's. It looks like June could be thinking, "now what is she up to"?

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