Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Ochoco's Wild Horse's part II

Last time Glenn took a drive up to the Ochoco's take a look at what he saw.

Yes spring time has been there, wild colts born and learning to live in on their own in the wild. This moment in time is a bitter, sweet snap shot since the outcome of these animals survival rate is questionable.

But what a sight to sit back and watch, I hope we get to see them in a few weeks when we are camping in this mountain range. I really don't understand my fascination with wild horses, maybe it is the freedom they have for a short period of time, I don't know but I like them. Side note: you can hardly see the 4 colts in the photo's but they are there if you look real close. Cute!


Amanda said...

I've always wanted to see wild horses!

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