Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Last of the Sunflowers for the year!

here is to a good season

This is the last of my sunflowers in the garden, notice the bee sitting at the top of the flower above, I leave the tall stock up in the garden all winter for the birds to come eat the seeds during the cold months.
Cold nights are becoming normal as Autumn sets in, which makes the flower heads droop. If you look at the photo below tiny flowers are blooming at about 4 feet above the ground keeping warm by the leaves of the larger flowers. This flower here is very proud to keep its head up as close to the sun as possible. It almost looks like he is smiling doesn't it. As I was walking back to the house from taking photos of the sunflowers something red caught my eye, I examined the small raspberry bushes, all two of them, and saw I had a few berries ready to eat. I had them for lunch and yes it is true, they sure taste better grown in your own garden then bought in the store.

1 comment:

bunbun said...

Wow! What beautiful sunflowers! I love them! I also really like that you you don't cut them down after they die, they looked so cool last time we were at the house