Monday, October 13, 2008

Monica's eye make-up

Created by Monica
Actually her eyes were very pretty made up like this. I haven't seen make-up done like this before I liked the creativity and individuality of it all.


Amanda said...

Wow, I think she should be a makeup artist. It's still in the fashion industry...

I thought when you wrote that comment on my blog that you had given up growing flowers forever! I thought "nooooo" then realized you meant just this year. :) We have this deer resistant pack of bulbs at work:
It even has a new variety of deer resistant tulips! I thought of you when I saw it. I want to plant some bulbs, probably this week if it stays nice.

Betty said...

Funny, I meant for the season, I will be in this weekend to pickup a bag it will be fun to plant and see what happens in 2009.