Friday, April 3, 2009

Crystal Crane Hotsprings


Our Cabin!

I never really thought I would come to enjoy Eastern Oregon as much as I have. When I was growing up our vacations were going to places like Eastern Oregon looking at cattle ranches, at the time I found this very boring and just dreaded the driving. But now I just love it. There is so many adventures you can get into with out even trying. Hotsprings at 7:30am the water was great.

Crystal Crane Hot springs is about 2 1/2 hours from our house if you take the main road. I will explain later in my post. If you want to go online and take a look here is the website, the water is perfect, the cabins are fun and the nights are dark.

The best swimming hole ever!

The 2nd chapter to this adventure is the drive back home, I thought it would be fun to follow the streets and trips GPS on our laptop. So I followed the route on the roads that I think no one has been on for months maybe longer. The route was very indirect probably 35 miles out of the way but I think it was the 3 hours it took to go the 35 miles that got a little intense.

Believe it or not there is a road in this photo, a GPS told me so!

For the record the roads listed on the program were not roads at times you could hardly see the ruts where tracks had been. But what fun it was going right down the center of some alkali flats, it made you feel like you were in a part from a mad max film.

Glad I packed a lunch I don't see a resturant anywhere.

Smiling now that we are almost on a paved road, after 3 hours of back country driving!

1 comment:

bunbun said...