Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Family Garden

The sunflower patch! These sunflowers are all volunteer from last year so I can't wait to see how they will do, they should get to at least 6-7 ft tall. The zucchini plants! We always have way to much zucchini last year we ended up putting most of them out by the road in a wagon with a free sign. They were gone by the next day. The yellow you see in the zucchini plant is the flower that produces the zucchini some people eat them, the flower can be put in salad or sauteed and served as a vegetable.
Close up of the zucchini flower it lasts about 5 days. pretty isn't it.

The three hop plants Glenn got from Amanda on Fathers Day, and boy have they grown. Glenn moved the hops to our patio and they are growing up to the roof, this is very exciting to watch.
This is the trellis I got for Mothers Day the trellis is the entry into our garden area, it makes a great hanging basket holder also. I like to put baskets together I am not really very good at it but I am getting better. I have to put the baskets up high out of the deer reach.
We have grapes and 2 other vines (I can't remember what they are) growing up the trellis, I really can't wait to see if they make it through the winter.
More wild flowers.

The Family Garden looking from our house, corn, sunflowers, beans, zucchini, tomatoes and peas. Oh yes and wild flowers to enjoy. The corn is coming along and should be ready by early October. I know there is a lot of weeds but it is hard to work full time and keep up with the weeding so I hope the plants will get big enough to hide them shortly. Glenn is real good about running the rototiller on his day off to keep the weeds down next to the plants but they like to come up anywhere they can. I have toyed with putting down the fabric netting you can get that keeps the weeds out but I really haven't heard how well it works, can anybody tell me?
Here is the wild flower patch it is just beautiful.
Glenn is trying something new with the tomatoes since we get a lot of them on the vines but they are still green when the nights grow cold, since they need the sun and warmer nights to turn red, that didn't happen. So this year he used these towers filled with water that is suppose to keep the root system warm so the tomatoes with ripen. We will have to be patent and wait to see what happens. Yeah! maybe we will have our own red ripe tomatoes.

The sun has been good to the garden and this year could be a bountiful year. Gardening in Central Oregon is a challenge and I get frustrated easily with it but I am learning with Glenn's help how to get the best out of each plant we grow.

Next post: The Feet of the campground

Chapter VI


bunbun said...

hi mom
it's casey, your garden looks great

Betty said...

Thanks Casey, its nice to hear from you. Mom

Amanda said...

I can't believe those hops - wow! My dad's hops are doing better than Dustin's I think. Those water walls are great for tomatoes, they're like little greenhouses for each plant.

bunbun said...

wow! what a garden! is that arbor wit the benches new? it is very cute! I have always loved your house and yard, it feels so relaxing and cozy.

bunbun said...

oops, sorry...I just read that you got it for mothers day!!!! Also, your zucchini is amazing!