Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Game of Scrabble

My Husband set up a chess board in his office at work some time ago. The people he works with have started chess games and Glenn has had fun and a challenge playing through the game. I heard him once even talk to his son Micah about a game he had going in his office. The other day the CEO's of the business he works for was visiting, when they came into Glenn's office one of them showed an interest in the chess board.The Guy challenged Glenn to a game the next time he was in town. Glenn said sure, I don't know if that was a good move or not. Especially those of us that know Glenn's past with corporate executives I would call it a pretty colorful past, but I guess he did not learn or should I say he sometimes has to learn the hard way. I have had fun listening to Glenn talk about his chess board and it seems to bring some sort of spark in his voice when he talks about it. Since I don't know how to play chess I am going try something else at home. I have set up a scrabble board, with 2 players playing, each day you have to add a word to the board that fits but to make it interesting it has to be a word you heard that day. That's the house rules! How about it Glenn are you up for a good old game of scrabble? BJ


ashtekk said...

hi baby,

house rules... gosh! i am inclined to acquiesce to your request... means yes:)

Lisa said...

Glenn a chess guru?? Who'd a thunk it!! Love the Scrabble idea, but didn't see the dictionary laying near by.